First blog post ever!!! :D

Aoyama-Itchome Station

Posted on 5/21/24

This is the genesis of Aoyama Itchome. In these blog posts I will be talking about a lot of things. Piano, video games, anime, art, opinions on things, personal matters, etc. If any of that sounds intresting to you, then I'll try to keep it as intresting as possible. The art gallery is currently empty because I haven't gotten to uploading a ton of images yet, but it will not be barren for long! I realize now that I havent said my name yet. Just refer to me as Metal, as it's simple and it's continuous with my Discord name. This is definetly subject to change though.

Some of the media I enjoy is anime such as Serial Experiments: Lain, Evangelion, Akira, Ghibli Films, and pretty much all mainstream anime as well. A favorite video game series of mine is the Shin Megami Tensei franchise (the name of my blog was inspired by Persona 5, though my favorite game in the series is Persona 4). I also love Metal Gear Solid, Dark Souls, VRChat, Pavlov VR, (a lot of other VR games), the entire Sonic the Hedgehog francise, Yakuza and I catch up on almost all new AAA games. As for music, I like Björk, Aphex Twin, Susumu Yokata, Radiohead, Thom Yorke's personal projects, and I also like a lot of video game osts. The basic ones everyone loves, Jet Set Radio, Persona 5, Undertale, and basically all 2D and 3D Sonic game ost's (they easily have the best VGM ever).

Thanks for getting to the end of my first blog post. Hopefully you'll stick around.